pes-modif: PES 2017 Player Data Editor (PC-OF) Beta V0.1.0 by Devil Cold52


PES 2017 Player Data Editor (PC-OF) Beta V0.1.0 by Devil Cold52

PES 2017 Player Data Editor (PC-OF) - Beta V0.1.0 | 27/11/2016 |Released

General Info:

1- Player Edit

2- Team Edit

3- Language Settings

4- Teamcolor Edit

Player Edit:

-Player Name
-Player ID
-Kit Name
-Player Style
-Player Age
-Player Height And Weight
-Player Abilities
-Player Positions (Playable and Registered)
-Player Skils
-COM Playing Styles (When On The Ball)
-Player Motion (Dribbling, Kick Motion, Goal Celebration and etc.)
-Stronger Foot
-Injury Resistance
-Weak Foot Usage / Weak Foot Accuracy
-Player Import
-Player Export
-Player Transfer
-Created players from in-game editor are supported
Team Edit:

-Team ID
-Team Nationality
-Team Name
-Team Short Name
-Team coach ID (Write Coach's ID To Change Coach of Team)
-Banner's Text

Coach Edit:

-Coach ID
-Coach Name
-Coach preview ID
-Team color Edit (Teamcolor.bin is needed)

Teamcolor.bin file is located in dt10_win.cpk
in next version, there will be more features

Author By Devil Cold52

Special Thanks: TeKo, Fatih Kuyucak,Mustafa U.,Smeagol75,Rasuna,Onur Yilmaz,Tunabrain4cc


1: Open the program then click File\Open OF button.
2. The program makes backup acctually, but for safety make a backup of your Option File before editing
2: Choose EDIT00000000 which is located Documents\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2017\save
3: After editing, do not forget to save it.
4. To save the program