pes-modif: PES 2016 Ultimate Final Patch PTE 7.2 By LeoTarinha


PES 2016 Ultimate Final Patch PTE 7.2 By LeoTarinha

PES 2016 Patch PTE 7.2 Ultimate Final By LeoTarinha
* Description:
The Patch PTE 7.2 is released on 1/10/2016 as a non official final update for the Full Patch PTE 6.0 for the PES 2016 game. This update 7.2 is created by ” Leo Tarinha” and special thanks to “PTE Patch Team” for the official Patch PTE 6.0.

Very Important: This Patch PTE 7.2 is not a full patch , this is only an update for PTE Patch 6 and 7.1. You don’t need PTE 7.0 because it is included already in PTE Patch 7.1, you just need PTE 6.0 then PTE 7.1 then this PTE Patch 7.2.

These are the general updates included in the Patch PTE 7.2 :
New added VIDEO INTRO made by LeoTarinha.
New custom game MENU like PES 2017 by ramin_cpu
New FACES added, imported from PES 2017 to PES 2016 by kimizan.
Facepack of Italian, Spanish and more added.
Facepack Brazilian Championship added by Total Patch 2.0.
Correction of uniforms of most clubs.
Bundes Kits 2016/17 v2 by Ggblues and DFL.
AIO Kits Pack 16-17 Kit’s HD by G-Style.
100 gloves added and Corrected.
Fixed Italian and German Championship Kits.
Balls of PES 2017 added.
Added ability update for teams, players, age, attack strength and defense.
Updated Statistics of Players PES 2016 of PTE Patch by Muhammad Lindung Fajartama.
Transfers updated until 31/10/2016.
PES 2016 Kitlogo Pack 2016-17 HD V.07 By Downlodcity
Added Stadiums Pack 2.0 (Europe) by Estarlen Silva (40 Stadiums).

New Updates in Patch PTE 7.2 :
Next Gen PS4 (Pitch PS4)
Sky HD.
Pitchline HD.
Real Pitch without the use of SweetFx.
New realistic Color for graphics.
Technician appears and moves in the corner of the field.
More security men in Stadiums.
Added advertising “Adboards” on the plates of the Stadiums by Estarlen.
Scoreboard ESPN HD.


Password for WinRar: delchoceleotarinha

To install the Patch PTE 7.2 Update please follow my YouTube Tutorial video very carefully to avoid errors. You should first reinstall your PTE Patch 6.0 to avoid errors, also avoid adding Tattoos because they cause errors with Estarlen Silva Stadiums Pack (which is included in Patch PTE 7.2). So If you face any error please try installing again the Patch PTE 7.2 following my video steps. Also read carefully the texts written in
the video here.

* Examples of Updates inside the game ( Video By Leo Tarinha): here.

► Credits:
LeoTarinha, Del Choc, Pes Patch 16 ™, ramin_cpu, kimizan, Total Patch 2.0, Ggblues and DFL, G-Style, Muhammad Lindung Fajartama, Downlodcity, Nemanja, MRI_20, yxussef, MT Games 1991, Angeltorero Kits, Bruno Wygno, Sameh Momen, Alief, Mo Ha, Ozy_96 PES MOD, Memer, Wer Facemaker, danny ardiyansyah, WENS indonesian PES Bootmaker, Konami, PTE Team, Jesus Hrs, Teko, PES Logos, danyy77, buffon99, klashman69, zlac, Jenkey, cabry, fruits, moody, pesmonkey, -InMortal-, gabe.paul.logan, pimplo, donkscrispo, muske25, nemesisk, gasparzinho, VinVanDam, Estarlen Silva, a7med sb, cRoNoSHaCk, barcafan, Tunizizou, ramy, Tasci, Cuky, Maritimo, AMussolini, steadyontherem8, Wens, Tisera09, killer1896, SantyArgentina, Znovik_S, pantelg7, rednik, Kairzhanov_21, spiritusanto, KOH, HD3011, Hawke, Andry_Dexter11, MarioMilan, smeagol75, starvin, juce, NikoLiberty4, boonaun, Txak, Tizziano, TwistedLogic, basilhspa013, Kuzmich, GOALARG, Swoosh1968, Bilgehan Alpaydin, Baris Yerlikaya, Killacarrillo, Shram, l4vezz1, oxarapesedit, vangheljs, AdrianMedina, alexis2323, viper12, wygno, , IDK, FarhanA, Kaos GameMods, Brunowygno, Lucas, Tarcisio, Cleiton Silva, Lucas Horst, Steet, saviogoncalves1995, Memer, Jack, Lincoln, Daniel, Gleidson, Bou7a, Smith, Eliel, Marceu Edit, templates kits passaco2009.

Tactical formations and fixes bugs.


  1. Link mati gan, tolong di perbaiki
    Link yang 7.1 juga mati

  2. Part 2 nya gan sulit didownload "File Too Large" jadi bingung gua,
    tolong gan diperbaiki hehe soalnya kepengen pake patch ini

  3. bisa kah yang baru download pes 2016 install patch ini ?

    1. install dulu PTE 6.0 dan PTE 7.1, bs dicari d web ini
