pes-modif: Sider 5.2.1 For PES 2019 PC by Juce


Sider 5.2.1 For PES 2019 PC by Juce

Changes in gamepad support:
- now uses native APIs to work with DirectInput and XInput controllers. (If you have an XInput controller, you can use LT+RT now, as an overlay trigger ;) )
- default configuration should work for most of the controllers - XInput, DirectInput, and the switchable ones. (It is still possible to adjust button mappings if you have an old or non-standard controller that only works in DirectInput mode. See "" settings in gamepad.ini for that)
- all gamepad-related configuration is now in gamepad.ini. (sider.ini no longer has any of it)
- The "gamepad_input" event now uses symbolic input names - such as "A","B","X","Y","LB","LSx","DPAD",etc. - so it's easier for Lua module authors to write logic and not worry about DirectInput/XInput, buttons codes, etc.
- The configuration also uses these symbolic names, so it's easier to read/modify. For example the overlay toggle and next-module switch are now defined like this:

gamepad.overlay.toggle-1 = RT
gamepad.overlay.toggle-2 = LT = LT

    If you play with gamepad controller and want to use it to control the overlay too - i recommend upgrading from 5.2.0 to 5.2.1. It's a simpler configuration, more robust, works across both styles of controllers.

    How to update your existing sider:
    1. Keep your sider.ini. (if you have some gamepad settings in sider.ini - feel free to remove them, because sider will just ignore them)
    2. Take new sider.exe, sider.dll, lua51.dll, zlibwapi.dll, gamepad.ini from the archive, replacing your existing files.
    3. Take doc and modules folders - they have updated documentation, and new example modules. (For instance, inputdemo.lua has changed from 5.2.0 to 5.2.1 version)
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Credit Juce

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