pes-modif: PES 2017 readySet License Patch 1.0.3 by laim


PES 2017 readySet License Patch 1.0.3 by laim

PES17 readySet License Patch 1.0.3 by laim

– All missing uniforms, real names, logos, squads for national and european club teams, including Bundes.
– Some small improvements for better atmosphere
– All licensed teams will remain original
– DLC 2.00 is included

Was adapted DLC 2.00, big enough pack of new improvements. Some items was changed.

Password: giveit

How to:

1. Put “Data” and “Download” folders into the main game folder.

2. Put EDIT file from “save” folder into the your “save” folder.

3. “Download” folder contains several variants of DpFileList.bin.
Choose one you want and put into the main “Download” folder.
Don’t forget to put Online variant when you’re gonna use multiplayer.
Offline_v2 adds new scheme of colors and lighting for stadiums.
Default variant is Offline_v1.

dt80_200E_win.cpk(DCL 2.00) is lightly modified.
If you already have dt80_100E_win.cpk (DLC 1.00) there is no need to download it.
‘Addition’ contains edited DpFileList.bin for Online (perhaps in some cases can be useful).

Huge gratitude to everyone, whose work has helped in the creation of the patch, whose hard work helps the community to get more pleasure from the game. Again and again.
Thank YOU!

Some updates are possible.


  1. ini untuk ori, cpy bisa mengggunakan pesgalaxy 1.12, tapi nanti download lagi datapack 2 sama patch 1.03 yang khusus cpy

  2. Kalau pakai crowd disabler masih bisa tetap main online (myclub) ??
    soalx pernah pakai "Mypes patch" gk work kalau nambah crowd disabler
