pes-modif: PES 2014 Mega Selector v1.0 by estica


PES 2014 Mega Selector v1.0 by estica

- Add contents
- Edit buttons
- Edit design
- Edit images
- Compatible with all patches
- Adjust any patches
- Name change for each patch
- Language (English, Spanish, Portuguese and German)
- Scoreboard
- Adboards
- Locker Rooms
- Referee
- Modes (Online and Offline)
- Change color tool
- File Loader
- File Explorer
- Settings.ini editable
- Add unlimited Scoreboard
- Add unlimited Adboards
- Add unlimited Locker Rooms
- Add unlimited Referee

Download PES 2014 Mega Selector v1.0 by estica

Special Thanks: razib_46 , jenkey1002

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