PES 2014 Gameplay patch plugin for Fileloader
Gameplay changelog :
- Improve gameplay exprience, increase shot power
- Adjust dribble
Requirement :
- You need to install lastest version of fileloader before using
- Supports PES2014 version 1.01
How to install :
- Extract everything to game folder, overwrite older file if existed.
- Edit pes2014.ini and make sure gameplay plugin has been added in plugin list
dll = Lodmixer.dll
dll = Speeder.dll
dll = KitLoader.dll
dll = Controller.dll
dll = SongLoader.dll
dll = Faceloader.dll
dll = VideoLoader.dll
dll = Gameplay.dll
How to remove:
- Delete Gameplay.dll in folder "Fileloader"
Cara pake nya gimana mas kalo bisa dibikin video tutornya donk
ReplyDeleteDownload dlu file loader version ekstrak ke tempat instalan pes nya (rekomendasi file loader yg sebelumnya d delete dlu), download gameplay patch yg ini, ekstrak ke tmpat installan pes nya (replace), cek pes2014.ini apakah ada tulisan dll = Gameplay.dll, klo ada berarti udah bener..
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