This game process is based on the release of PES 2017 non-steam.
- DP 3.0 + compatibility with all patches
- Improved player response
- Improved ball trajectory
- CPU can skip and make strikes from outside the area
- Large turnover of players / Zero lag / Update values
- Affects player performance (runs faster) / Updated values
Attention, Back Up File exe and data dt13_win.cpk
Review :
Ane coba di Patch 6.5.3 Work, aliran bolanya lambat dan lari pemain terasa berat bagi yang suka main cepat gameplay ini berasa lambat, tapi yang suka main santai dan nga mengandalkan kecepatan mungkin gameplay ini cocok
Credit Jostike Games
- DP 3.0 + compatibility with all patches
- Improved player response
- Improved ball trajectory
- CPU can skip and make strikes from outside the area
- Large turnover of players / Zero lag / Update values
- Affects player performance (runs faster) / Updated values
Attention, Back Up File exe and data dt13_win.cpk
Review :
Ane coba di Patch 6.5.3 Work, aliran bolanya lambat dan lari pemain terasa berat bagi yang suka main cepat gameplay ini berasa lambat, tapi yang suka main santai dan nga mengandalkan kecepatan mungkin gameplay ini cocok

Credit Jostike Games
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