pes-modif: PES 2015 JUVENTUS FC Realistic Adboards HD by Zikint


PES 2015 JUVENTUS FC Realistic Adboards HD by Zikint

PES 2015 JUVENTUS FC Realistic Adboards HD by Zikint

INSTALATION : 2 part .7z file (.001 & .002), place in one folder and then extract .001 .7z file only...
you should packing this folder to .cpk file, and place into your pes2015 instalition folder (Pro Evolution Soccer/download/ ).
This adboards pack is not .cpk file and not include configuration file. (select one folder, 'with rotating bill corner' or 'without rotating bill corner' Just put the usm movie file) you have other adboards in ".cpk. file, place this adboards folder into your cpk adboards file.
Don't forget add relink this paramater into your configuration file : ( /common/bg/model/bg/bill/config/....) Code: Put usm. file only if you want to use other stadium...... 

<condition stid="22" compeid="-1" hometeamid="-1" teamexclusion="-1" language="-1" region="-1" title="-1" pattern="juve" />

Credit : Zikint

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