pes-modif: PES 2015 FC Barcelona Kits 14/15 v2 by Cronos


PES 2015 FC Barcelona Kits 14/15 v2 by Cronos

FC Barcelona Kits 14/15 v2
FC Barcelona Kits 14/15 v2
- Version v2:
· First, second, third and fourth (senyera) kits for normal matches and European Competitions.
· GK Black for normal matches and GK Blue for European Competitions.

- Note:
· My UniColor.bin it's not compatible with others kit packs or patches. Copy this data in your UniColor.bin (Look the Picture Unicolor FCB).

Download PES 2015 FC Barcelona Kits 14/15 v2 by Cronos | Link 1

Download PES 2015 FC Barcelona Kits 14/15 v2 by Cronos | Link 2

Credit : Cronos


  1. copy to download folder, looks tutorial:

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Please, respect my links, not put yours!! That info is included on the Readme notecard and my threads where I post.

  4. Gan, ane mw tanya ni. ane kan mw nambahin file cpk misal kyk stadium,facepack,bola di folder download. ane kan udah edit file DpFileList nya. di DpFileList ane tu kan udah ada 10 decimal nya. itu ane mw nambahin stadium. brarti kan jd 11 decimalnya. trs udah tak ubah ke decimal 11 = 0B. tp waktu mw masuk ke PES kok gak bs ya?cm black screen doank. itu caranya gmn gan?
