pes-modif: 2014 Patch 2.0 - Released!!!

pes-modif 2014 Patch 2.0 - Released!!!

5,Dec2013 2014 Patch 2.0
Screenshots: 2014 Patch 2.0 includes PES 2014 Data Pack 2, 4 new teams, new kits, and more!

The new 2014 Patch adds the new PES 2014 November DLC which includes updated squads for all teams in the game, more than 800 new player faces and updated kits for many teams. For 2014 Patch 2.0 we also added transfers and players that were missed in Konami's Data Pack.

Additionally 2014 Patch 2.0 adds new boots from Adidas, Puma and Mizuno, as well as new kits for some club and national teams.
New Features 2014 Patch 2.0
  • New teams: Rubin Kazan, Spartak Moscow, Fenerbahce, Dynamo Kiev
  • New faces: 800+ faces from the Konami DLC; Achahbar, Chiriches, Klos, Lucas Moura, Morrison, Rebic, Townsend + many more
  • New kits: 1860 München, Bielefeld, Colombia, Denmark, Everton, France, Germany, Hoffenheim, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Scotland, Spain, Sweden, Wales
  • New boots: Adidas adiPure 11pro, Puma King, Mizuno Morelia II and Mizuno Wave Cup SS
  • Misc: Fixed issue with duplicated players in ML (Subotic, van der Vaart, etc.)
General Features 2014 Patch
  • Full Online Mode compatibility
  • Includes latest PES 2014 Patch 1.04 and Data Pack 2.00
  • Added Bundesliga
  • Added 2. Bundesliga and Sky Bet Championship
  • Corrected kits for all Premier League teams and many unlicensed National Teams
  • Corrected boots, accesories, shirtname for 6000+ players
  • Corrected fake national team player faces (1000+ faces!)
  • Fixed team names and emblems for Premier League and Liga ZON Sagres teams
  • Added 50+ new boots
  • Corrected player names for unlicensed National Teams (Algeria, Bosnia, Japan, Netherlands, United States etc.)
  • Fixed names and emblems for all competitions
  • Updated transfers for most important teams + full Premier League, Ligue 1, Serie A and La Liga
  • Fixed lineups for 50+ teams (Arsenal, Liverpool, Napoli etc.)
Download 2014 Patch 2.0

Single Link => Torrent | Putlocker | Mediafire
Part Link => Putlocker | Mediafire | Indowebster

PES 2014 Data Packs - "Carefully read the installation instructions before intalling"
Download Via
Download Via Putlocker

How To Install - "Before install the patch, delete the previous patch and FileLoader"

1. Remove 'FileLoader' folder inside PES 2014 install directory (if you installed custom files using FileLoader, you can backup the folder by moving it somewhere else.)
2. Download PES 2014 Data Pack 2 via the link provided in the 2014 Patch thread. Copy the included 'dt50_001.cpk' (Data Pack 1) and 'dt500_7999999.cpk' (Data Pack 2) files to 'C:\ProgramData\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2014\'. This is only required if you don't already have BOTH Data Packs installed to your PES 2014.
3. Disable antivirus software (add PES 2014 main directory to exceptions and enable it again after install)
4. Install 2014 Patch 2.0
5. Select the pes2014.exe you want to use (if you have the noDvD crack, then choose "start with 1.01 exe", this option comes after you have the installation finished) 2014 Patch 2.0

6. (Start the selector if you want to make adjustments to leagues, stadiums or scoreboards – recommended to start as admin)
7. Start the game via pes2014.exe / start menu folder / PESEdit Selector


  1. dari patch 1.1 lngsung donlod yg ini bisa ga??
    ato harus donlod dlc 2 dulu ?

  2. download dlc 2 dlu gan soalnya terpisah sama patchnya

  3. Gann,,ko' di laptop ane gax ad C:\Program data\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2014...??
    Udh ane cari gax ktemu...??

  4. password idwsnya apa

  5. gan,ane kan skrg patch 1.1, terus diharusin donlod dlc2 dulu baru peseditnya ini ya?help gan

  6. minta link selain mega buat dlc dong. dowload gagal mulu

  7. @anonym: C:\Program data\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 itu d hidden, pake sistem operasi apa?
    @adi: iya gan
    @livormortis: udah d perbaharui link downloadny pilih yg putlocker gan
    @rizki: cba neekoo

  8. cara download di putlocker gmana gan ?

  9. dlc 2 nih kl udh donlod, cara pake nya gmn gan?

  10. ane udh paste file dlc nya ke programdata (dt..... & d7_799....) terus ngapain lagi gan? file pes2014.exe yang size nya 40 mb itu harus di ngapain?

  11. tolong gan..
    muncul tulisan "unhandled exception has occurred in your application.....................access to the path 'c:. . . . .is denied"
    gimana nih?

  12. "unhandled exception has occurred in your application" gimana ngatasinnya ga?

  13. makasih udh diupload tp link download patch 2,0 gak ada yg lain apa -,-" yg lebih mudah gitu..

  14. pass nya apa nih? abis di ekstrak minta pas link mediafire

  15. password ny apa gan? pas mau di ekstrak, malah minta password,gua downloadnya dari via mediafire

  16. aku pake win 7 cara tau C:\Program data\KONAMI\Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 gmana?

  17. di cari gkk ketemu" gan.... pusing buka hidennya gamana?

  18. @livormortis: sippp
    Buka Explorer
    Liat di bagian atas, Cari menu 'Organize'
    Trus Klik 'Folder and Search Options'
    Kalau Gk Jelas, cek Gambar
    Trus Pilih Tab View > Cek Pilihan 'Show hidden files and folder'
    Kalau Gk Jelas, Cek Gambar

  19. pasword untuk patch 2.0 medifire apa gan

  20. cba passwordnya admingamer
    bsa nggk gan??

  21. password patch 2.0 mediafirenya apa yaa Gan

  22. passwornya dong gan

  23. Gan , mau nanyk ne, gue kan dh instal tuh patch sama datpackny,memang bsa sih, tapi ada yang kurang gan,karena kan fileloadernya dh di pindahin dari directory PESnya,soalnya d dalm fileloader tuh ada bnyak hasil editan gue,contoh; tattoo pemain,wajah,dll, yg jdi mslhnya ne ,pas gue masukin lagi tuh fileloader ke tmpat instalasi/directory PESnya,eh mlah sebagian wrna kulit pemain yang facesnya di ganti sama tuh datapack belang" gitu; kyk MIKEL yg wrna wjhnya hitam,tpi wrna kulit kaki sama tnganny putih,trus line up sebagian tim pun banyk yg hilang,tpi tattoo nya sih masih ada,,

    Ada solusi gk gan?
    Mohon pencerahannya yh gan

  24. emang kaya gitu gk support fileloader

  25. @samuel: cba Play with 1.01/1.1 pes2014.exe file...

  26. gan gx bs knp y??..minta password singel link yg media fire..tolong gan

  27. gx bs gan admingamer..boleh mnt sumber webnya gx gan??

  28. File Loader-nya kok ga ada Gan....apa harus install file loader sendiri....?

  29. @anonym: ini fp nya
    @batistuta: utk patch 2.0 emang gk support fileloader gan makanya nggk d include sama patchnya, kecuali klo d pes2014.exe selectornya pilih yg 1.01

  30. gan, ane download dari idws. passwordnya apaan ya gan? ane udh coba neeko, neekoo, admingamer, gabisa. solusinya dong gan!

  31. install pes, patch, dan dlc udh bener. tp kok transfer dan datapack nya blm fix ya gan? kenapa ini?

  32. semuanya udah bener gan tinggal transfer sama datapacknya doang yg masih belom fix, mohon bantuannya gan?

  33. semua sudah dijalankan, tp pas di pes2014.exe Selector
    gw pilih yg pling bawah, yg gk pake dvd tpi kok gk bisa ya? gk ada tutor yg lebih lengkap n jelas?

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. where the password singel link yg media fire
