pes-modif: PES 2014 Bootpack 1.5 Christmas Pack By Ron69


PES 2014 Bootpack 1.5 Christmas Pack By Ron69

PES 2014 Bootpack 1.5 Christmas Pack By Ron69
- 64 Boots
- compatible with other Patches ( not tested)
- new Boots added / updated
- new Bootpreviews
- new Bootbrands (Messi and Ronaldo)
- required FileLoader (not included)
- required the first KONAMI Update and DLC (last Update and DLC 2.0 not tested)
- correct Bootnames, Materials and Colors

Install: Load and install Tool FileLoader. Copy the folder in the RAR Archiv in the Folder “FileLoader”. Overwrite existing Files and Folders.

Download PES 2014 Bootpack 1.5 Christmas Pack By Ron69

CREDITS: WENS, saks07, PES edit, Fire Patch, MartyMcFly and all Bootmaker


  1. ini bisa ga di 1.1 ? ada beberapa yg ga ada di 1.1 , jadi pengen nambahin bisa ga gan ? apa corrupt ntar ? instal boots ane jg ga sukses" gan,..gimmana tutornya?

  2. ktanya bsa, tp blm d test sma yg buatnya
