pes-modif: PRO-EVO Editing Studio 2014 v0.1.0.0


PRO-EVO Editing Studio 2014 v0.1.0.0

PRO-EVO Editing Studio 2014 v0.1.0.0
  • This tool allow you to edit the PES2014 OF (PC)

1. Editing Players
- Name
- Basics Settings
- Positions
- Abilities
- Player Index (Special Cards)
- Motions
- Remove Fakes Players Names
- Remove Duplicate Players

2. Editing Teams
- Name
- Home Stadiums
- Homeground Names
- Team Squad
- Formation
- Tactics
- Team Style
- Remove Fakes Teams Names

3. Easy Transfers Players (Drag & Drop system)
- Drag and Drop System
- Players compare method

4. Global Editing
- Stats adjust
- Method Adjust
- Special Function

5. Editing Stadiums
- Names

6. Editing Leagues/Cups
- Names
- Leagues and Cups Details
- Leagues Structures
- Remove Fakes Leagues and Cups Names

7. Import / Export Functions
- Import PES 2013 OF2 : players and Teams
- Players : .player files (2014 only)
- Teams
- Formations


1. Konami Players Database (Since PES 2008)
2. Auto Update

Download PRO-EVO Editing Studio 2014 v0.1.0.0

Supports : 
1. Be sure that you have NET Framework 4.0
2. If you have this pb : Access to Program File (x86)\PRO-EVO Editing Studio 2014\Logfiles\PEES2014.log is denied.
Run Editor as administrator.


  1. EDIT.bin nya kok gk bisa d buka??

  2. pastikan edit.bin pes 2014 yg dibukanya, bka programnya dngan cara run as admin

  3. sudah bener smua
    malah "WRONG FILE the file is corrupted or open [PC] EDIT.bin"
    habis di ok "the file should have : 4799651 octets"
    di backup juga gak bisa, trus gimana?

  4. pake pes 2013 editor jga bisa gan, silakan dicoba

  5. duh duh gan
    terlanjur sy uninstall
