pes-modif: PES 2018 Minifaces Patch v 1.5 by Cesc


PES 2018 Minifaces Patch v 1.5 by Cesc

Download includes import ready files and source png files


- Borussia Dortmund (complete)
- RB Leipzig (complete)
- Arsenal (complete)
- Chelsea (complete)
- Everton (complete)
- Leicester (complete)
- Liverpool (complete)
- Man City (complete)
- Man United (complete)
- Southampton (complete)
- Tottenham (complete)
- West Ham (complete)

- Copy Minifaces by Cesc.cpk into PRO EVOLUTION SOCCER 2018\download
- If you installed my first version, remove the player0.cpk from your download folder
- Generate a new DpFileList.bin with DPFileList Generator by Baris
Click For Download Content
Credit : Cesc

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