pes-modif: PES 2016 Adboard Pack v1.5 - UEFA Euro 2016 adboards - Final version by majuh


PES 2016 Adboard Pack v1.5 - UEFA Euro 2016 adboards - Final version by majuh

PES 2016 Adboard Pack v1.5 - UEFA Euro 2016 adboards - Final version by majuh
Here is my final update containing the real UEFA Euro 2016 adboards.

Download PES 2016 Adboard Pack v1.5 - UEFA Euro 2016 adboards - Final version by majuh

How to Install:
If you play online, you have to use the file online\adboard_pack_1-5.cpk in order to maintain online compatibility.
Else, if you play offline and you want to see the global adboards, you should use the file global\adboard_pack_1-5.cpk.
Move the CPK file into the folder "steamapps\common\Pro Evolution Soccer 2016\download", then add an entry for it in your existing DpFileList.bin or generate a new DpFileList.bin containing this entry.

Credit : Majuh

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