pes-modif: [PES 2016 PC] DpFileList Generator v1.6


[PES 2016 PC] DpFileList Generator v1.6

 [PC] DpFileList Generator v1.6
Current Version: 1.6 (updated on 19.10.2015)
- Generate automatically DpFileList.bin with maximum of 32 CPKs
- Select needed cpk-files
- Sort selected cpk-Files (if needed) via Drag&Drop
- [NEW] Read already existing DpFileList.bin

1) Choose your "download"-folder (or any folder that contains .cpk-files)
Optional: 1.1) select already existing DpFileList.bin to preselect already used CPKs
2) Select cpk-files which should be in the DpFileList.bin
3) Sort the selected cpk-files (if needed) via drag and drop
4) Generate DpFileList.bin (your current DpFileList.bin will be backed up (DpFileList.bin.BACKUP))

You need at least Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 to run this tool.

Credit : Baris

1. How is the sorting logic of the application?
At top of the generated DpFileList.bin the cpk file with the lowest priorty is arranged. Look at the following screenshot as an example.
 [PC] DpFileList Generator v1.6
2. I get an error while creating the DpFileList.bin.
Try to rerun the tool as admin (right-click => run as administrator).

3. "Error unable to find csv file"
The "DlcDb.csv" has to be in the "DpFileListGeneratorData" folder, please don't change the data structure, otherwise the tool will not find the csv file.
Just download the file, extract and run it.

4. What is the maximum amount of CPKs that can be added?
32 CPK files can be added


  1. gan punya ane kok mesti crash yaa (versi 1.5 sama 1.6) ? kalo yang versi 1.3 kagak crash ..Ini kenapa??

  2. gan 5.1 aj bisa nyampek 47 lho...masak yang versi baru malah 32..gmna

  3. gan 5.1 aj bisa nyampek 47 lho...masak yang versi baru malah 32..gmna

  4. ane gak tau gan, soalny gk pernah pasang cpk sgitu banyaknya, tp coba2 aja barangkali bisa

  5. @Rofiq RM

    bukan ga bisa tapi otomatis tergenerate gan

  6. @Arya Setyawan

    bukan cuma 32 gan,tapi maksudnya ketika file cpk sudah nyampe 32 otomatis tergenerate sendiri

  7. gue udah nyoba terus sampe file cpknya 32 lalu dpfilelistnya langsung menggenerate cpk tsb secara otomatis

  8. update face pemian inter milan dong gan.

  9. yakin gan bisa otomatis, oke gua coba keanyakan gw pakek file.cpk buat face pemain bro

  10. punya saya kog kalau ngedit face pemain satu per satu dengan file .cpk kog ga brbh ya face nya? tp kalau pake facepack work. solusi dong yang tau

  11. kok generate boot sama kit gk bisa ya, tapi lagu bisa.
