pes-modif: PES 2013 eModder13 Patch season 2015-2016 Release!


PES 2013 eModder13 Patch season 2015-2016 Release!

E-Modder 13
E-Modder 13E-Modder 13
E-Modder 13E-Modder 13E-Modder 13E-Modder 13E-Modder 13E-Modder 13

<!-- Future eModder 13 Patch-->
+ New Transfer 15-16.
+ New  Face more 100++ face & hair + tatto's
+ New Ball 15-16 
+ New Stadium (if you download addon stadium's)
+ New Chant's (if you download addon chant's)
+ New Graphic Just Like PES2016 + Replay PES2016
+ and more...

Feature :
League: EPL, Ligue 1, Eredivisie, Liga BBVA, Serie A, Liga NON, Brazil Serie A, 1.Bundesliga.
New Team: Bounermounth,Norwich,Watford,Angers,Ajacsio,Troys,Carpi,Frosinone,Bologna, Las Palmas,Betis,Sporting,SV Darmstadt,Ingolstadt.
Other New Team: KAA Gent, Red Bull Salzburg, Chicago Fire, Club America, LA Galaxy,Motreal Impact, New England Revolution, New York City, Orlando City, San Joe Earthquakes, Toronto FC.
Special Team: World Legends Team, Euro Legends Team, AC Milan Classic, Arsenal Classic, Barcenola Classic, Bayern Classic, Chelsea Classic, Inter Milan Classic, Juventus Classic, Liverpool Classic, Man Utd Classic, Real Classic.
Correct Team to participation UEFA Champions League, Europa League, Super Cup 2015 - 2016

~ New Kit All New Season 15-16 Leaked Kits By Sofyan Arifin
~ Premier League Kitpack 2015 Volume 4 by syirojuddin
~ any many more big thank's..

add ball 
~ PES 2013 Ball Copa American Ball By Soushiyant nik ravesh
~ NIKE Copa America Chile 2015 ball by Maz
~ Ballpack v1 by danyy77 pes 13 season 15-16
~ any many more big thank's..

face pack
~ Mini Facepack By Bou7a Facemaker
~ Facepack HB By B. Molina 2015
~ Arsenal Mini Face-Pack By Nadir FaceMaker
~ Pes 2013 Arsenal Facepack by baha_dir
~ Reus By Facemaker Ilhan_12 Fixed + Tattos By PieroU10 and Reus By PieroU10
~ any many more big thank's..

~ Bootpack V1.0 by Carlos Chumacero Inga
~ any many more big thank's..

add more : 
~ UEFA Champions League Europa League 2015-16 Intros By Abdallah El Ghamry
~ Uefa Super Cup 2015 Intro By Abdallah El Ghamry
~ any many more big thank's..

Link Download :
Part Link -> File.Rocks
Single Link -> Uptobox 

Addons Stadium (Soon) | Addon Chants (Soon)

Credit : 
+ Encep Suryana McCarley Digital Entertainment
+ Pes World
+ PesStudio
+ and any more..

Thanks : 
+ Allah S.W.T ( God Master)
+ PesStrudio
+ Jenkey1002
+ and any more..

If you have problem when installing or bug's contact me on :
facebook : eModder 13 | Encep Suryana McCarley
twitter : @encepsuryana_
BBM : Pin : 51d36e6e
Phone : +6287717978657


  1. iya, ada single link ngg min? sekalian torrent min

  2. Ini bisa langsung instal ? Buat sun pacth bisa ga?

  3. Update Link! Single Link udah ditambahkan

    sujian: kalo bisa uninstall dulu sunpatchnya

  4. Ini nge raply pes edit apa patch sendiri?

  5. Ini nge raply pes edit apa patch sendiri?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. numpang tanya gan
    ini untuk transferan pemain nya per tgl berapa ya?

  8. Ada yg jual cd nya gk gan? Dan pemain sdh update/ blom gan

  9. Fix untuk emblem (logo) belanda gmna?

  10. @arik: patch sendiri
    @fadil: tunggu fix nya

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Kok agak nge-lag gitu gan,knp ya? Solusinya doong. Pdhal spek laptop dh i7 nvidia gforce vga nya

  13. Kok agak nge-lag gitu gan,knp ya? Solusinya doong. Pdhal spek laptop dh i7 nvidia gforce vga nya

  14. Kok agak nge-lag gitu gan,knp ya? Solusinya doong. Pdhal spek laptop dh i7 nvidia gforce vga nya

  15. om bos link single selalu fail pas 30-40% using idm, ane penasaran sm nih patch, buatan anak bangsa, penasran sm young player ya sih, lengkap gak? patch buatan yang lain banyak yg missing

  16. agak sulit jga klo uptobox soalnya no resume, cb part link aja gan buat antrian d idm nya

  17. @Mohammad Ahsanul
    oke siap om, dr td uda ambil part, lancar semua
    btw mohon diadd cara install kl tidak keberatan
    apa ada di file Rar? soalnya part 10 lg otw sih

  18. @Dilang Eka Prasetiariga
    idem nih, uda unlock team tetep gak nonggol juga team MLS yah, agak melenceng sedikit dr fitur yah, mohon dikoreksi om

  19. klo ada masalah instalasi atau apapun cb invite aja pin bbm nya gan diatas

  20. Ligue Brazilian Transfer 15-16 ?

  21. fix competiton please ! no image

  22. Assalamualaikum, the password is?

  23. kok facenya banyak yang gak mirip terus untuk emblem belanda gimana? kok gak ada

  24. cara lengkapnya

    Disarankan untuk menginstall patch ini di PES 2013 yang masih fresh install
    Install 2013 Patch 6.0
    Install 2013 Patch 10.0
    Letakkan file Option File ke "Documents/KONAMI/PES 2013/save"
    Letakkan isi dari file .rar "PES 2013 Full Faces and Hair Session 2016 by minosta" ke "Pro Evolution Soccer 2013\kitserver13\GDB"
    Letakkan file "map.txt" ke "Pro Evolution Soccer 2013\kitserver13\GDB\faces"

  25. Hey guy ! the password is litterally :
    You just have to copy and paste it ; )

  26. Kaga manteb ini mah... tanggung.
    Aku punya pes13 ada club other american,& libertadores, 12 classic club, divisi 2, & club2 yg uda ada di pes 13 /other eropa all bisa match exhibition & ude update transver 15-16
