Tanggal Rilis :8 Januari 1996
Jenis Film :anime, manga
Diperankan Oleh ::Conan Edogawa, Shinichi Kudo ,Ran Mouri , Kogoro Mouri,
Episode dari serial anime Detektif Conan diarahkan oleh Kenji Kodama dan Yasuichiro Yamamoto dan diproduksi oleh Tokyo Movie Shinsha dan Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation. Pada Juli 2009, 17 bagian dan 143 total volume telah dirilis oleh Shogakukan
1. Shinichi Kudo adalah protagonis utama dari serial anime dan manga Detektif Conan atau Detective Conan Shinichi Kudo adalah seorang detektif SMU terkenal yang sering membantu polisi menyelesaikan kasus sulit.
2. Conan Edogawa berasal dari nama Arthur Conan Doyle dan Edogawa Rampo. Shinichi menggunakan nama samaran Conan Edogawa untuk identitas barunya. Dia kemudian tinggal bersama temannya Ran Mouri dan membantu ayahnya Kogoro Mouri, seorang detektif swasta, untuk menyelesaikan kasus, dengan harapan dapat menemukan kasus yang melibatkan Organisasi Hitam.
3. Ran Mouri adalah teman Shinichi Kudo sejak kecil, atau mungkin bisa juga disebut pacar. . Ran adalah anak dari seorang detektif yang selalu membuat analisis asal-asalan, Kogoro Mouri, dan seorang pengacara handal, Eri Kisaki. Ran memiliki sahabat, Sonoko Suzuki yang merupakan anak dari direktur perusahaan Suzuki. Ran sangat ahli dalam karate.
4. Kogoro Mouri adalah ayah dari Ran Mouri, seorang detektif swasta yang sangat terkenal karena sering memecahkan kasus, biarpun sebenarnya Shinichi (Conan)-lah yang memecahkan kasus untuknya.
- Episode 580
- Episode 579
- Episode 578
- Episode 577
- Episode 576
- Episode 575
- Episode 574
- Episode 573
- Episode 570 or 570
- Episode 569 or 569
- Episode 568 or 568
- Episode 567 or 567
- Episode 566 or 566
- Detective Conan 565
- Detective Conan 564
- Detective Conan 563
- Detective Conan 562 or 562
- Detective Conan 561
- Detective Conan 560
- Detective Conan 559
- Detective Conan 558
- Detective Conan 557
- Detective Conan 556
- Detective Conan 555
- Detective Conan 554
- Detective Conan 553
- Detective Conan 552
- Detective Conan 551
- Detective Conan 550
- Detective Conan 549
- Detective Conan 548
- Detective Conan 547
- Detective Conan 546
- Detective Conan 545
- Detective Conan 544
- Detective Conan 543
- Detective Conan 542
- Detective Conan 541
- Detective Conan 540
- Detective Conan 539
- Detective Conan 538
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- Detective Conan 513
- Detective Conan 512
- Detective Conan 511
- Detective Conan 510
- Detective Conan 509
- Detective Conan 508
- Detective Conan 507
- Detective Conan 506
- Detective Conan 505
- Detective Conan 504
- Detective Conan 503
- Detective Conan 502
- Detective Conan 501
- Detective Conan 500
- Detective Conan 499
- Detective Conan 498
- Episode 453
- Episode 452
- Episode 451
- Episode 450
- Episode 449
- Episode 448
- Episode 447
- Episode 446
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- 160 : Bizarre! The Legend of the Five Storied Pagoda (Part 2)
- 159 : Bizarre! The Legend of the Five Storied Pagoda (Part 1)
- 158 : The Silent Ring Line
- 157 : Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 2 (Part 2)
- 156 : Metropolitan Police Detective Love Story 2 (Part 1)
- 155 : The Key in the Water Locked Room Case
- 154 : Sonoko’s Dangerous Summer Story (Part 2)
- 153 : Sonoko’s Dangerous Summer Story (Part 1)
- 152 : The Mysterious Old Man Disappearance Case
- 151 : The Truth of the Exploding Car Case (Part 2)
- Detective Conan 150 #
- Detective Conan 149 #
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- Detective Conan 130-131 #
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- Detective Conan 100 #
- Detective Conan 099 #
- Detective Conan 098 #
- Detective Conan 097 #
- Detective Conan 096 #
- Detective Conan 095 #
- Detective Conan 094 #
- Detective Conan 093 #
- Detective Conan 092 #
- Detective Conan 091 #
- 090 or 090 : The Flower Scent Murder Case
- 089 or 089 : Dracula’s Villa Murder Case (Part 2)
- 088 or 088 : Dracula’s Villa Murder Case (Part 1)
- 087 or 087 : The Crane’s Reciprocation Murder Case
- 086 or 086 : The Kidnapping Location Case
- 085 or 085 : Ski Lodge Murder Case (Part 2)
- 084 or 084 : Ski Lodge Murder Case (Part 1)
- 083 or 083 : General Hospital Murder Case
- 082 or 082 : The Kidnapping of a Popular Artist Case
- 081 or 081 : The Kidnapping of a Popular Artist Case
- 080 or 080 : The Wandering Artist Murder Case
- 079 or 079 : The Bank Heist Murder Case
- 078 or 078 : Distinguished Family’s Consecutive Accidental Death Case (Part 2)
- 077 or 077 : Distinguished Family’s Consecutive Accidental Death Case (Part 1)
- 076 or 076 : Conan vs. Kaitou Kid (1 Hour Special)
- 075 or 075 : Loan Company President’s Murder
- 074 or 074 : The Death God Jinnai Murder
- 073 or 073 : The Detective Boys’ Disaster
- 072 or 072 : The Triplet’s Country Home Murder
- 071 or 071 : A Stalker’s Murder
- 070 or 070 : Night Baron Murder Case (Resolution Part)
- 069 or 069 : Night Baron Murder Case (Suspicion Part)
- 068 or 068 : Night Baron Murder Case (Case Part)
- 067 or 067 : Stage Actress Murder
- 066 or 066 : Night Road Murder
- 065 or 065 : A Crab and Whale Kidnapping
- 064 or 064 : The Third Fingerprint
- 063 or 063 : Big Monster Gomera Murder
- 062 or 062 : A Ghost Ship Murder
- 061 or 061 : A Ghost Ship Murder
- 060 : An Illustrator Murder
- 059 : The First Errand Murder
- 058 : Holmes Freak Murder
- 057 : Holmes Freak Murder
- 056 : The Ojamanbou Murder
- 055 : The Train Trick Murder
- 054 : Game Company Murder
- 053 : The Mystery Weapon Murder
- 052 or 052 : The mist Goblin legend murder
- 051 : The Golf Driving Range Murder
- 050 : Library Murder
- 049 : Diplomat Murder (Part 2)
- 048 : Diplomat Murder (Part 1)
- 047 : Sports Club Murder
- 046 : Alpine Hut In The Snowy Mountain Murder
- 045 : Facial Mask Murder
- 044 : Three Hotta Brothers Murder
- 043 : Edogawa Conan Kidnapping
- 042 : Karaoke Box Murder
- 041 : Victory Flag Tearing
- 040 : Wealthy Daughter Murder
- 039 : Wealthy Daughter Murder
- 038 : Akaoni Village Fire Festival Murder
- 037 : Cactus’s Flower Murder
- 036 or 036 : Monday Night 7:30 p.m. Murder
- 035 : Mountain Villa Bandaged Man Murder (Part 2)
- 034 or 034 : Mountain Villa Bandaged Man Murder (Part 1)
- 033 : Detective Boys Survival
- 032 : Coffee Shop Murder
- 031 : TV Station Murder
- 030 : Alibi Testimony Murder
- 029 : Computer Murder
- 028 : Kogoro’s Class Reunion Murder
- 027 : Kogoro’s Class Reunion Murder
- 026 : Pet Dog John Murder
- 025 : The Mysterious Woman With Amnesia
- 024 : Luxury Liner Serial Murder (Part 2)
- 023 : Luxury Liner Serial Murder (Part 1)
- 022 : On Location, TV Drama Murder
- 020 : A Haunted Mansion Murder
- 019 : An Elevator Murder
- 018 : A June Bride Murder
- 017 : Hijacked Department Store
- 016 : The Antique Collector Murder
- 015 : Missing Corpse Murder
- 014 : The Shooter” / “The Mysterious Shooting Message
- 013 : The Strange Person Hunt Murder
- 012 : Ayumi-chan Kidnapping
- 011 : Moonlight Sonata Murder
- 010 : Pro Soccer Player Blackmail
- 009 : Tenkaichi Night Festival Murder
- 008 : Art Museum Owner Murder
- 007 : Once-A-Month Present Threat
- 006 : Valentine Murder
- 005 : The Shinkansen’s Bomb
- 004 : The Coded Map of the City
- 003 : An Idol’s Locked Room Murder
- 002 : Company President’s Daughter Kidnapping
- 001 : Roller Coaster Murder
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