pes-modif: PES 2016 Gameplay Patch by Harlock 3.3


PES 2016 Gameplay Patch by Harlock 3.3

PES 2016 Gameplay by Harlock 3.3
Goalkeepers, Defence, Free Kick, Foul, Judge, Team Attack, Penalty, AI CPU and others fixed.

Install: All in Gameplay by Harlock 3.3 folder is copied to the root folder of PES 2016.


Warning!!! If you do not like the speed of the game you can change in the game.

Credit : harlock



  1. Min klo gameplay ini bisa untuk semua patch? Bedanya apa yah klo ga pake gameplay?

  2. Bantu jawab.
    Kalo agan pakai gameplay seperti ini, nanti di dalam game agan bakal ngerasain sensasi permainan yang beda banget dibandingkan gameplay asli'a. Permainan jadi lebih atraktif, lawan juga lebih sulit, goalkepeer lebih responsif, passing, running, jugling, shooting, freekick, semua'a lebih manteb dah pokok'a.

    dan yang paling penting, coba agan main di level superstar. itu susah bgt untuk nyetak gol, kalau gak pake gameplay kaya gini, mau di mode apapun kadang ane bisa sampe nyetak score 8-0, tapi pake gameplay ini, boro-boro 8-0 nyetak 1 gol aja empot-empotan walaupun lawan team kelas bawah.
