pes-modif: PES 2013 Update Facepack #08/10/2014 by Facemaker


PES 2013 Update Facepack #08/10/2014 by Facemaker

Included : Pedro Miguel Santos, Sandro Ramirez, Lacazette, El Shaarawy, Antunes, Gamboa, Baker, Luisao, Yaya Toure, Joao Moutinho, Andre Gomes, Jordan Mutch, Armand Traore, Milanovic, Jordi Gomez, Salvio

Download PES 2013 Update Facepack #08/10/2014 by Facemaker

Credit : Facemaker


  1. face u19 terbaru dong gan

  2. Hola brother sera que me puedes ayudar haciendome la face de Sergio Canales jugador del real sociedad por favor esque hasta el momento nadie se toma la molestia de hacer una de este jugador y te escribo porque e visto que las faces que hacen son de mucha calidad con un realismo excelente y unico porfavor ayudame si gracias ahi te dejo algunas imagenes de Sergio canales xfa hazlo si es posible con dos formas de hair o cabellos uno con el mas larg y otro con el medio largo xfa ayudame si que nadie la ha hecho. los admiro por sus trabajos ayuden a un seguidor suyo.
    para pes 2013 por favor

  3. Hey brother I can be doing to help the face of player Sergio Canales Royal Society please esque so far no one bothered to make a decision of this player and I write because e seen the faces they make are of high quality with an excellent and unique realism thanks please help me if there'll leave some images from Sergio channels xfa do it if possible with two forms of hair or hair with one more larg and another with medium long xfa help me if anyone has made. I admire them for their work to help his follower.
    pes 2013 please

  4. Hey brother I can be doing to help the face of player Sergio Canales Royal Society please esque so far no one has made one of this player and I write because e seen the faces they make are of high quality with excellent realism and please help me if only because there'll leave some pictures of Sergio xfa channels if possible do it with two forms of hair or hair with one more larg and another with medium long xfa help me if anyone has made. I admire them for their work to help his follower.
    pes 2013 please

  5. Hello brother you could make the face of Sergio Canales player Royal Society please esque so far no one has made one of this player and I write because e seen the faces they make are of high quality with an excellent and unique please realism help me if because there you have some pictures of Sergio channels xfa do if possible with two forms of hair or hair with one more and one with larg medium long xfa help me if anyone has made. I admire them for their work to help his follower.
    pes 2013 please
